Tips For WAHMs From The Proverbs 31 Woman

Tips for WAHMs

Tips for Work At Home Moms from the Proverbs 31 Woman


Most of us look to the Proverbs 31 Woman for advice on homemaking and how to be a good wife.  She is the poster child for how to be a good wife and good mom;  but did you know she also holds some of the greatest advice on how to be a great work at home mom?

  1. She does not neglect her family (Proverbs 31:1-3, 15,23,28)

If your vision for your business interferes with your vision for your family then perhaps it

is time to rewrite some visions and goals.  Prioritizing time for your family is essential if you want to avoid burnout, stress, and family issues.  Trust me friend, success in business at the cost of your family is not from God.

  1. She is eager and works with a positive attitude – Proverbs 31:13

We have a rule at our house “no complaining unless you plan on being apart of the

solution.”  This rule works for toddlers and it works for moms working from home.

Complaining will drain the life out of you.  Did you know that complaining shrinks the hippocampus in your brain.  The hippocampus is responsible for problem solving and intelligent thinking (both are crucial for running a business.)  Next time you find yourself complaining think of three things you are thankful for, it might sound silly but it could save your business.

  1. She is efficient (like a merchant ship)- Proverbs 31:14

“You are like a merchant ship” you will not find this in any Valentines card; but it is a great

metaphor for work at home moms.  The merchant ships were not the fastest way to transport goods but it was the most efficient and effective.  As a mom, and a business woman you are going to have to make choices for your family and your business.  Keep in mind that the fastest way is not always the best way.  One of the greatest things we can learn is delayed gratification.

  1. She thinks through her actions- Proverbs 31:16

How many times have you bought something you did not need out of impulse.

Sometimes it’s an easy fix such as returning clothes to a store, and sometimes it’s a little bit harder  fix like buying a house that you can’t afford because you were getting cabin fever and all of your friends were posting on Facebook about their new houses.  Whatever the decision is buying out of impulse (which is usually caused from fear or selfish desires) is not a good business strategy.  It is a good way to go broke.  Be sure to set up boundaries in your spending.  Perhaps you make a rule that you won’t buy a big purchase without running it by a friend or a spouse first.

  1. She is physically fit so she can do her work – Proverbs 31:17

I am not going to lecture you about diets and exercise plans.  However I do want to give

you a new perspective you might not have thought about.  Are you physically able to do (and thrive) at what God has called you to do?  Is your health affecting your work performance, mood, and sleep.  God does not care what size pants you wear but he has given you a calling and you don’t want poor physical health to be the reason you can’t fulfill the job he gave you to do.

  1. She is resourceful (she makes her own stuff)- Proverbs 31:18, 24

Has anyone ever told you in order to be successful in business you have to borrow

money first.  They convince you that you need the latest technology, a full inventory, and a great office space in your home if you are going to succeed.  In Proverbs God says that the borrower is slave to the lender.  If God has given you a calling he will provide a way to finance it, sometimes it is better to make something ourselves or buy used in order to be good stewards of God’s money.

  1. Your hands can either tear down or build up – Proverbs 31:19

Immanuel Kant once said “The hand is the visible part of the brain.”  With your hands you

can either build up or tear down.  No matter how you use your hands in your business, whether it is physical labor or writing a blog, your hands are a reflection of what’s in your heart.

  1. She is generous- Proverbs 31:20

Do you know one thing all successful business people have in common?  They are all

generous.  The world has portrayed wealthy people as people who are greedy but the

opposite is true, the more you have the more you are able to give.  Those who hold onto their wealth with a tight fist are the ones who don’t have room for growth.

  1. She is prepared and has a plan, she doesn’t do the minimum – Proverbs 31:21

Scarlet is expensive fabric.  The Proverbs 31 woman did not ask “what is the minimum I have to do to get by and make sure my family survives.”  She is prepared and has a plan, she does all her work with excellence.  Ecclesiastes 9:10 says “whatever you do, do it well.”  Your work is not your identity but it is a reflection of your integrity.  

  1. What is the atmosphere you are setting in your home – Proverbs 31:22

We have all heard the phrase “if mama aint happy, aint nobody happy.”  There is truth in

this phrase.  Women are the ones who set the tone in the home.  If we are not careful the stress that we feel from working at home, taking care of the kids, managing the home can be passed onto our husbands and kids.  Strive to create a home described in Proverbs 24:3-6 “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”

  1. She is free of anxiety and worry- Proverbs 31:25

Stress and worry have become so common today that most of the time it feels more

like a second cousin who lives in the basement.  We don’t know what it would look

like to live a life free of anxiety and worry.   God did not intend for us to live with worry and anxiety.  2 Timothy 1:7 says “I [God] have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-discipline.” Christ died so we can be free of anxiety and worry, now it is our turn to walk in that freedom.

  1. She responds (not reacts) to people with wisdom- Proverbs 31:26

Did you know there is a difference between responding and reacting.  Reactions are

definitive and not thought out, usually ending in regret.  Responding takes self-control, thought, and wisdom.  When someone offends you do not let your emotions determine how you react instead respond in wisdom.

  1. She is not lazy- Proverbs 31:27

If you go to bed tired at night chances are it’s because you are doing a good job at what

you are called to do.  Work is not meant to be a curse.  In fact God created work before the fall happened in Genesis.  However we need to be careful there is a fine line between hard work and burnout.  One is productive and the other one is self-destructive.

  1. She fears God- Proverbs 31:30

God wants to be all up in your business (pun intended).  He cares about the home

business you are running, he cares about your budget, your schedule, what you are

marketing on social media, all of it.  A woman who fears God allows him to be involved

not just on Sundays.  We know how to fear God in our homes, what are some ways you

can fear God in your business?

Work at home moms deserve a round of applause.  They are definitely not taking the easy way out.  If you are a work at home mom leave a comment with your best advice and tips for how to manage work, home, and the family.

About the Author:

My name is Erika Vose. I live in Kansas City Missouri.  I am a wife, Mom and blogger. My passion is to encourage, inspire, and empower moms to thrive at what they are called to do.

My website: 


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